In pairs, students will choose a controversial topic to write a resolution or claim for and then will develop either the affirmative or the opposing position on a resolution, to argue in a formal debate. Students will consult resources to help them develop and communicate an informed, argumentative perspective.
Check out the Meridian Databases. High School password: 3duc*t3. Mrs. MacFarland recommends Opposing Viewpoints issues list, and ProQuest SIRS Discoverer issues. Citation information will be in the article for all databases.
Also, see some lists to help you:
Past Public Forum Resolutions: I included some of the below in this document. (based on policy)
Policy Resolutions: See below (based on policy)
Lincoln-Douglas Debate Topics: See below (based on value)
Some other lists of controversial topics
Philosophical Chairs Activity Handout
Outline and reflection
Warm Ups