
College and Career Readiness: 

Course Overview, Student Objectives, and Assessment Criteria

Description of the Course

Student Learning Focus

Student Learning Objectives

Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills

Connection to Texas Essential Standards Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

According to English II TEKS for ELA, students will focus on Knowledge Skills, specifically Inquiry and Research.The student will develop questions for inquiry, engage in the research process, locate relevant sources, and synthesize information from a variety of sources. 

Studies in College and Career Readiness Aims

The aims in College and Career Readiness are to enable students to:


Criteria A: Knowing, Understanding, and Interpreting 

Students will justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology making logical conclusions. Students will explore various topics:  

Criteria B: Developing and Synthesizing Ideas 

Students will work through a research plan, using relevant tools and resources in order to effectively gather and synthesize information.

Students will ….

Criteria C: Reflecting on Learning

Student will reflect on the impact of their learning by providing relevant connections made through contextual explanations, inferences, and examples.

Students will reflect on a variety of areas as they ...

Assessment Criteria

Criteria A: Knowing, Understanding, and Interpreting 

Criterion A: Knowing, Understanding, and Interpreting

How much knowledge and understanding does the candidate demonstrate through inferences, terminology, and examples?  

Student Outcomes

Justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology with logical conclusions


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors.


The student makes limited inferences and little evidence to support understanding. The  student provides little analysis of the context to make conclusions, and the work rarely justifies opinions and ideas with examples or explanations, using little or no terminology in the product.


The student makes adequate inferences and uses some evidence to support understanding.  The  student adequately analyzes the context but may not develop logical conclusions, justifying opinions and ideas with some examples, explanations, and terminology. 


Overall, the student makes good inferences and uses sufficient evidence to support understanding. The student analyzes the context to draw logical conclusions, sufficiently justifying opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations, and terminology. 


The student makes perceptive inferences and uses evidence to support understanding. The  student effectively analyzes the context to draw logical conclusions, justifying opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations, and terminology. 

Criterion B: Developing Ideas Applying Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills

Criterion B: Developing Ideas Applying Approaches to Learning (ATL Skills)

How well did the candidate research a plan, use relevant tools and resources in order to effectively gather information and synthesize their understanding into a knowledgeable product?

Student Outcomes

Work through a research plan, using relevant tools and resources in order to effectively gather information and synthesize their understanding into knowledgeable products.


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors.


Develops a limited plan and has limited strategies for selecting and using tools to locate resources, gathering little to some information to show a superficial understanding of the implications of the information. 


Develops an adequate to limited research plan and outlines basic steps to follow and selects and uses some appropriate tools to locate resources, gathering some information to show a superficial understanding of some of the implications of the information.


Develops a sufficient research plan and outlines steps to follow and selects and uses tools to locate resources, gathering information to show understanding of some of the implications & synthesis of information


Creates an organized research plan and outlines steps to follow and uses tools to locate resources, effectively gathering information & understanding implications and synthesis of information.

Criterion C: Reflecting on Learning 

Criterion C: Reflecting on Learning

How well did the candidate reflect on their learning?

Student Outcomes

Reflect on the impact of their learning by providing relevant connections made through contextual explanations, inferences, and examples.


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors.


The student rarely identifies or states the impact on themselves and their learning and offers little personal connections through explanations, inferences, and/or examples. 


The student occasionally identifies or outlines the impact on themselves and their learning by offering some personal connections made through explanations, inferences, and/or examples.


The student often identifies and describes the impact on themselves and their learning by offering sufficient, personal connections made through explanations, inferences, and/or examples.


The student consistently and independently explains the impact on themselves and their learning by providing personal, insightful and relevant connections made through contextual explanations, inferences, and examples.

Concepts & Major Units




Major Units:

Unit 1: Personality and Interests, Personal Project Start-up, Career Exploration

August 10 - September 17

See MYP Unit Planner for more information. 

See resources and assignments at

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas. 

Unit 2: Meet the SAT

September 20 - October 29

See MYP Unit Planner for more information. 

See resources and assignments at

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas. 

Unit 3: College Exploration

November 1 - December 16

See MYP Unit Planner for more information.

See links to resources at

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas. 

Unit 4: College Applications: What Do Colleges Consider?

January 5 - February 4

See MYP Unit Planner for more information.

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas.

See links to resources at

Unit 5: ACT Prep

February 7 - February 22

See MYP Unit Planner for more information.

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas.

See links to resources at

Unit 6: Personal Project, Preparing for Exhibition and Report

February 23- March 25

See MYP Unit Planner for more information.

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas.

See links to resources at

Unit 7: Budgeting and Saving for Real Life, Career Exploration Part 2

March 21 - April 8

See MYP Unit Planner for more information.

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas.

See links to resources at

Unit 8: Passion Project, the Art of Presentations for 21st Century Skills

April 11 - May 26

See MYP Unit Planner for more information.

See detailed calendar for weekly agendas.

See links to resources at