Analyzing Visuals
When analyzing visuals for a rhetorical effect, consider the following areas:
Rhetorical situation:
Who is the audience and what is the purpose behind the visual and the creator?
Is the audience left leaning (liberal) or right leaning (conservative)?
How does the media type influence the viewer’s interpretation?
Does the specific media creator influence the way the viewer sees the image?
The XXX, an online and print newspaper, featured …. The XXX, an online and print newspaper, geared toward a ____ audience….
What is emphasized? Is there a focal point that draws your eyes in?
Is there a balance or harmonious relationship or a clear juxtaposition of contrasting images for an effect?
How is the composition of the image structured?
Where are the images organized such as in the foreground, in the background, to the left, to the center, to the right, etc.?
Is there an interesting perspective or camera angle? Is there a clear focal point?
Are some images blurred while others are in sharper focus?
Stems: The image of _____ is emphasized as a central focal point…. The creator illustrates harmony and balance through ….. The creator shows a contrasting image of _____ in order to _____. The perspective suggests that _______.
Do you need help describing the camera angles? Check out
Lighting & Color:
What colors and lighting do you see?
Do the colors or lighting suggest a specific connotation or even a symbolic idea?
Do the colors suggest an attitude or tone of the creator?
Do the warm colors connote warmth for instance?
The ___ colors of the ___ signify ____. The viewer can infer that the colors connote a feeling of _____ The colors symbolize _____
Does the creator evoke emotions in the reader with positive or negative feelings?
Does the creator evoke logic in the viewer through making a comparison or showing an effect to something?
Does the creator create credibility about the topic through the images (ethos)?
Sentence stems: The creator evokes a feeling of _____ through _____. The creator appeals to the viewer’s sense of logic through _____. The creator establishes credibility and trust through ______.
Is there a specific message that is being conveyed about humanity, society, or culture? What details construct an argument for the viewer?
Are certain people represented in a certain way to convey a message? Are certain objects portrayed in a certain way to convey a message?
How does this image relate to the global issue that you selected?
Sentence Stems: The photograph portrays the message that ______. The visual suggests that _______.
Overall, what was effective about the image in conveying the argument? End your analysis with your conclusions.
The creator effectively conveys a message of _____ through ____, _____, and ______.