Meetings with Supervisor (Reflections)
#1 Meeting with Supervisor Reflection
Fill out in a google doc #3 document in your PERSONAL PROJECT FOLDER
Please write between 100-150 words reflecting on your discussion with your supervisor using the following questions as a guide:
What is my learning goal and product goal that I discussed with my supervisor?
What specific research topics did I discuss with my supervisor?
Did the discussion help me think about my research and product more clearly as far as next steps? Explain.
What logistics did I discuss in our meeting that will help me with planning e.g. materials, budget, resources, etc.?
What other helpful tips or advice did I receive that could help me with my Personal Project?
#2 Meeting with Supervisor Reflection
Fill out in a google doc #3 document in your PERSONAL PROJECT FOLDER
Please write between 100-150 words reflecting on your discussion with your supervisor using the following questions as a guide:
How has my research helped me with planning for my personal project? What specific research topics did I discuss with my supervisor?
What logistics did I discuss in our meeting that will help me with planning e.g. materials, budget, resources, etc.?
What other helpful tips or advice did I receive that could help me with my Personal Project?
Did the discussion help me think about my research and product more clearly as far as next steps? Explain.
Do I need to tweak my success criteria after my research to be more accurate on what I think I can accomplish based on my learning and product goal?
Am I on track with my project based on my research and timeline? What input did my advisor give me on my progress so far?
Did I receive any suggestions about areas to research or explore from my advisor?
#3 Meeting with Supervisor Reflection
Fill out in a google doc #3 document in your PERSONAL PROJECT FOLDER
Please write between 100-150 words reflecting on your discussion with your supervisor using the following questions as a guide:
What did you discuss with your supervisor? Did you reflect on the overall process? What went well? What hurdles did you overcome? What did you enjoy most about this process, and what did you enjoy least about it? What steps do you still have left?
Did you talk about preparing for the Expo on March 9th?
Did you discuss strengths and areas for growth? What do you think could have improved in your product if you had more time?