Personal Project Expo

Personal Project Expo Speech & Display Plan

Expo Planning Worksheet (click on link)


WHAT IS AN ELEVATOR SPEECH? It is a 60-90 second description of an idea and/or product that explains a concept that a listener can understand in an engaging way in a short period of time elaborating on a person’s skills, goals, process, product, etc. 

WHY SHOULD I HAVE ONE? You only have 60-90 seconds to make a powerful first impression. The attention span of the average person is just 30 seconds before their mind starts wandering. Your goal is to grab their attention and engage your audience.



Include a hook (personal anecdote, humorous statement, interesting fact, question to engage your audience)

Who are you?  Your name and something that differentiates you from your peers such as what you are passionate about.

Describe your learning and product goal. What did you set out to 1) learn and 2) produce as a product?

What are some key points you want the viewer to know about your project?

Question: Ask your audience if they have any questions, or if you want to engage them further, ask them a question to ponder and respond to. 


What product will be on display?

What items are needed to show your product visually? (Drawings, Photos, Video) What equipment do you need? Explain.

Will there be props to bring for giveaways or guest involvement? Who and what? Explain.

Will you have a Display Board/Signage? What materials do you need? Explain.What information do you want on your display board or signage?

Is electricity required to connect and display your product? Explain.

Create a list of materials that you need to bring on the day of the Personal Project Expo.


Assessment Criteria

Criteria A: Knowing, Understanding, and Interpreting

Criterion A: Knowing, Understanding, and Interpreting

How much knowledge and understanding does the candidate demonstrate through examples?

Student Outcomes

Justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology with logical conclusions


Your work does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors.


You made limited inferences with little evidence and examples to support your understanding. 


You made adequate inferences and used some evidence and examples  to support understanding.  


Overall,  you made good inferences and used sufficient evidence and examples to support your understanding. 


You made perceptive inferences and used evidence  and examples to support your understanding.