


Overview of Timing

Guiding Questions for Supervisor Meetings

Supervisor Comments for the Academic Integrity Form

Supervisors may use these guiding questions to help them fill out the supervisor's comments on the Academic Integrity Form where the students summarize their meeting notes:

Personal Project Rubric

Assessment Criteria

24 marks

Grade & Descriptor 

1  (1-4 marks) F

Produces work of a very limited quality. Conveys many misunderstandings of the process of learning independently. Very rarely demonstrates critical thinking. Very inflexible, rarely shows evidence of knowledge or skills. 

2  (5-8 marks) F

Produces a report of limited quality. Communicates limited understanding of the process of learning independently. Demonstrates limited evidence of critical thinking. Limited evidence of transfer of knowledge or approaches to learning skills into the project. 

3 (9-11 marks) C-

Produces an acceptable report. Communicates basic understanding of the process of learning independently through the project. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical thinking. Begins to transfer knowledge and approaches to learning skills into the project. 

4 (12-14) C

Produces a good-quality report. Communicates basic understanding of the process of learning independently through all stages of the cycle of inquiry. Often demonstrates critical thinking. Transfers some knowledge and some approaches to learning skills into the project. 

5 (15-17 marks) B

Produces a generally high-quality report that demonstrates a thorough process. Communicates good understanding of the process of learning independently through all stages of the cycle of inquiry. Demonstrates critical thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Usually transfers knowledge and approaches to learning skills into the project. 

6 (18-20 marks) A

Produces a high-quality report that demonstrates a thorough process. Communicates extensive understanding of the process of learning independently through all stages of the cycle of inquiry. Demonstrates critical thinking, frequently with sophistication. Transfers knowledge and approaches to learning skills into the project. 

7 (21-24 marks) A+

Produces a high-quality report that demonstrates a thorough process. Communicates comprehensive, nuanced understanding of the process of learning independently through all stages of the cycle of inquiry. Consistently demonstrates sophisticated critical thinking. Successfully transfers knowledge and approaches to learning skills into the project with independence. 

Grade Boundaries for the new rubric will not be issued until after August 2022.  However, Meridian School does have a conversion scale for 24 marks for MYP that we can use as a guide for grade boundaries.