Approaches to Teaching & Learning
Six Approaches to Teaching
#1 Inquiry
Teaching is based on inquiry
Developing student’s natural curiosity
Developing their abilities to autonomous lifelong learners
Active engagement in their own learning
Constructing their own understanding of interpretation and issues
Through comprehension, analysis, interpretation, and contextualization
Activating curiosity
Students developing a line of inquiry
Student choice in developing and choosing tasks
Encouraging students creative expression (written, oral, and visual)
Developing research skills on group and individual areas of interest
Using problem-solving approaches to find connections between texts and critical perspectives
#2 Concepts
Teaching is based on concepts
Exploring concepts helps student to engage in complex issues for higher level thinking
Moving from concrete to abstract thinking to understand new contexts
Focus on seven concepts: identity, culture, creativity, communication, representation, transformation, and perspective
Close readings of texts to explore conceptual ideas
Understanding the rhetorical situation of format, purpose, audience, and context
Transforming and modernizing texts to understand the concept of intertextuality between genres and texts
Understanding text features and how they play into representation of ideas
#3 Global Contexts
Teaching is based on global context
Contextualized teaching allows students to see between ideas and local and global ideas in order to develop international-mindedness
Analyzing audience, purpose, and literary form allow students to see how texts are produced and consumed and how they are interpreted
Bringing the outside world into schools
Drawing on student’s backgrounds, experiences in contrast with other cultures
Including creative and cross-curricular connections
Providing students with cultural-frameworks in order to connect to texts
#4 Collaboration
Learning is based on collaboration
Shared learning allows for a complex interaction of minds within different specific contexts
Language by its very nature involves interaction to create meaning in how they are produced and received
Activities designed to encourage interaction and negotiation of meaning with texts
Literary circles, Socratic seminars, discussion techniques can allow for students to foster opinions together
Allowing students freedom to choose lines of inquiry and assessments
#5 Differentiation
Teaching is based on differentiation
Accommodating the different ways students learn in order to build on self-esteem, value prior knowledge, and scaffold and extend learning
Student choice in texts, activities, and assessments allow for greater differentiation and engagement
Student selection of texts
Planning a wide range of activities geared to learning preferences
Creating in-class groupings for collaboration
Use of multimodal texts (visual, auditory, written)
Timely and relevant feedback
#6 Teaching Informed by Assessment
Teaching is based on formative and summative assessments
Using data to inform instruction
Using assessment and feedback to foster student learning and growth
Self-assessment by the student
Scaffolding in stages (brainstorming, free-writing, journal response, critical reflection)
Online, collaborative forum discussions where students can negotiate meaning with each other
Using mini-lessons based on data to improve student learning
Five Approaches to Learning
#1 Thinking Skills
Teacher functions as facilitator to shape learning
Students develop skills of metacognition, reflection, critical and creative thinking, transfer
Open-ended questions engage deliberate thinking and authentic learning
Students engage in reading, listening, viewing texts to produce insightful responses to texts
Encouraging connections between texts to transfer their learning
Allowing students to formulate hypotheses about a text’s meaning and discover how the meaning is constructed
Fostering thinking through juxtaposing different literary forms, time periods, text types, and cultures
#2 Communication
Teacher functions as facilitator for communication
Form and maintain an atmosphere of congeniality to develop self confidence
Every aspect of language and literature is related to the development of communication
Reading, viewing, writing, speaking, listening, performing
Group and individual presentations that engage active listening of the audiences
Well developed and supported responses to texts
Using digital tools to enrich learning and communication
#3 Social Skills
Teacher functions as facilitator to develop social skills
Introversion and extroversion impact communication and respecting differences is important
Different cultures share different ways of communication to form relationships, so register is important in the awareness of the impact of language
Helping students engage in contrasting opinions that may oppose their own and respecting differences
Students working together to negotiate meaning of a text through varying perspectives by substanting their ideas with evidence and reasons
Classroom norms
Safe classroom environment
Balanced use of group and private response
Active listening of different perspectives
Teacher modeling varied responses
#4 Self-Management Skills
Teacher functions as facilitator to shape self management skills
Perseverance and resilience in learning through organization, goal setting, time management, affective skills (managing state of mind) in order to learn independently
Deadline management
Plan of study into scaffolded steps
Study techniques such as note-taking, text marking, digital organizational tools
Self-reflection on progress of standards and aims of the course
Increasing autonomy and responsibility of learning
Awareness of strengths and areas for growth
#5 Research Skills
Teacher functions as facilitator to learn research
Academically-honest way to use others’ information to build on synthesis and creation
Formulating focused and intriguing research questions, appraising sources and recording, evaluating, and synthesizing information
Teacher models effective research skills beyond the basic internet search
School databases, advanced Google searches
Questioning the interpretation of a text, validity and credibility of a source
Guidance on how to use databases and online sources
Research on historical contexts, linguistic, and literary history