Outlining Ideas
Graphic Organizers
Graphic Organizers
Five Paragraph Templates, Generic
Five Paragraph Templates, Generic
General Templates
General Templates
Cluster Map Graphic Organizer for Brainstorming Ideas
Detailed Paragraph Graphic Organizer
Venn Diagram Graphic Organizer for Comparing and Contrasting
T-Chart Graphic Organizer for Comparing and Contrasting
Producing Media: Articles
Producing Media: Articles
Producing a Short Story
Producing a Short Story
Short Story Map (Outlining character, plot, conflict, theme)
Producing an Expository Essay
Producing an Expository Essay
Producing a Persuasive Essay
Producing a Persuasive Essay
Producing a Paper One: Textual Analysis, IB External Assessment (May of Senior Year)
Producing a Paper One: Textual Analysis, IB External Assessment (May of Senior Year)
Textual Analysis Graphic Organizer (Purpose, Audience, Nature of Medium, Disposition of the Author, Appeals, Style)
Producing a Paper Two: Compare and Contrast Two Texts Analysis, IB External Assessment (May of Senior Year)
Producing a Paper Two: Compare and Contrast Two Texts Analysis, IB External Assessment (May of Senior Year)
Producing the HL Essay: IB External Assessment (April-May Junior Year)
Producing the HL Essay: IB External Assessment (April-May Junior Year)
Producing an Oral Commentary: IB Internal Assessment (Jan of Senior Year)
Producing an Oral Commentary: IB Internal Assessment (Jan of Senior Year)
Graphic Organizer and Guidance for Outline for the Literary Commentary (Jan Senior Year)