The tone of an author or narrator is the attitude that is conveyed about the subject that is being described. Consider the words the author uses to evoke a reaction out of a reader or how you think he or she feels about the subject. Look for tone shifts throughout the work to see how the language of the writer shapes meaning.
The author describes ____ with a ____ tone in order to show _____.
The author's tone shifts from ____ to ____ when discussing _____.
The author conveys the attitude of the character as _______ in this scene when ____.
The narrator's attitude becomes _______ when ____.
The narrator shifts the tone in this scene from ______ to ______ in order to show _____.
How does the author convey his attitude in the work through his language? Are there significant tone shifts, and how do they contribute to the main ideas?
negative tones: melancholy, caustic, irate, satiric, critical, indignant, bitter, condescending, judgmental
positive tones: reverent, light hearted, optimistic, hopeful, loving, jovial
neutral tones:reminiscent wistful, apathetic, speculative, meditative, objective, reflective
Consider some of the TONE WORD LISTS online for ideas:
What is BIAS?
Bias means showing a preference for one thing over another. When it comes to our news sources, the information should be bias-free in an ideal world; however, in reality, we know that practically every media source carries some sort of bias.
Bias in the media can occur through:
Selection & Omission--choosing to tell only parts of the story
Placement-- where the story appears in the newspaper or during news hour or on a website
Headlines-- often crafted to catch attention and sell papers rather than report facts
Word Choice and Tone--using sensational and emotional words to dramatize the events
Photos/Captions/Camera Angles --making one person look good and another bad, for example
Names & Titles --calling a person a “bad guy” instead of by his name, for example
Statistics & Crowd Counts--dramatizing numbers for effect
Source Control--using information or sources that only show or support one side of a story
What is the difference between the TONE and the MOOD in a story?
1) The tone is the attitude conveyed by the narrator/author/character and is described with an adjective.
2) The mood is the way the reader perceives the atmosphere created by the attitude conveyed by the narrator/author/character.
An angry tone could result in a tense mood or atmosphere for the reader
A lighthearted tone could result in a cheerful mood or atmosphere for the reader
A wrathful and indignant tone could result in a hostile mood or atmosphere for the reader
A fearful tone could result in a dreadful mood or atmosphere for the reader
An accusatory, caustic tone from the author or character could result in a thrilling and suspenseful mood or atmosphere for the reader