Paper One

Paper One:

Paper 1: Guided textual analysis (2 hours 15 minutes)-analyze two passages

External Assessments (first examinations 2021)

HL Paper 1: Guided textual analysis (2 hours 15 minutes)-analyze two passages

The paper consists of two non-literary passages, from two different text types, each accompanied by a question. Students write an analysis of each of the passages. (40 marks) 35%

SL Paper 1: Guided textual analysis (1 hour 15 minutes)-analyze one passage

The paper consists of two non-literary passages, from two different text types, each accompanied by a question. Students choose one passage and write an analysis of it. (20 marks) 35%

The only difference between HL and SL is that HL writes TWO textual analyses while SL write only ONE.

Producing a Paper One: Textual Analysis, IB External Assessment (May of Senior Year)


How does the author’s language shape the meaning? How does the purpose, audience, medium, disposition, appeals, and style impact the reception of the message? How does the author use language to persuade?

Mnemonic device to help you: PANDAS



Nature of the medium

Disposition of author



Introduction: Purpose (claim), Audience, Nature of the medium

1) Purpose

Why did the author write this text? And why did the author write this text in a certain way? What is the occasion for the text e.g. some specific incident or event? What is the intent of the piece: TO INFORM, TO NARRATE, TO PERSUADE, TO DESCRIBE? See for more information on different text types and their purposes.

Consider the following:

– what the author said and the diction used

– what the author did not say

– how the author said it and the alternative ways it could have been said

-what the intended effect is e.g. to reflect, to call to action

2) Audience

Who is the target audience? How does the text’s language and rhetoric suit the audience? Are there groups excluded from the intended audience? Is there more than one intended audience?

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Education

  • Socioeconomic status

  • Beliefs, Values, Attitudes (special interest groups)

3) Nature of the Medium: What are the characteristics that define the text? Consider the differences in the variety of texts such as newspaper articles, magazine ads, editorials, blogs, etc. What modes of writing are included: expository, narrative, descriptive, argumentative? Does the author adhere to the conventions of the genre or stray from them? What is the impact of the medium and how the message is received? Consider the text type.

Lead into Thesis


In (Name of Work), (Full Name of Author) (uses, employs, relies, utilizes), (device/strategy/technique), and (device/strategy/technique) to (show, reveal, emphasize, argue, reinforce, insist, point out) that (effect/purpose/theme).

First Body Paragraph: author's disposition (perspective, bias, tone)

Disposition: a person's inherent qualities of mind and character, person's outlook

How does the author present his or her disposition or inherent mindset on the topic(s)? Is there an inherent bias in the author?Does the bias distort the truth in some way? What influences may have impacted the delivery of the message such as historically, politically, socially, or economically? Is there a clear tone? What tone shifts are seen through the text?


The tone of an author or narrator is the attitude that is conveyed about the subject that is being described. Consider the words the author uses to evoke a reaction out of a reader or how you think he or she feels about the subject. Look for tone shifts throughout the work to see how the language of the writer shapes meaning.

  • The author describes ____ with a ____ tone in order to show _____.

  • The author's tone shifts from ____ to ____ when discussing _____.

  • The author conveys the attitude of the character as _______ in this scene when ____.

  • The narrator's attitude becomes _______ when ____.

  • The narrator shifts the tone in this scene from ______ to ______ in order to show _____.

How does the author convey his attitude in the work through his language? Are there significant tone shifts, and how do they contribute to the main ideas?

negative tones: melancholy, caustic, irate, satiric, critical, indignant, bitter, condescending, judgmental

positive tones: reverent, light hearted, optimistic, hopeful, loving, jovial

neutral tones:reminiscent wistful, apathetic, speculative, meditative, objective, reflective

Consider some of the TONE WORD LISTS online for ideas:


Bias in the media can occur through:

  • Selection & Omission--choosing to tell only parts of the story

  • Placement-- where the story appears in the newspaper or during news hour or on a website

  • Headlines-- often crafted to catch attention and sell papers rather than report facts

  • Word Choice and Tone--using sensational and emotional words to dramatize the events

  • Photos/Captions/Camera Angles --making one person look good and another bad, for example

  • Names & Titles --calling a person a “bad guy” instead of by his name, for example

  • Statistics & Crowd Counts--dramatizing numbers for effect

  • Source Control--using information or sources that only show or support one side of a story

  • You also want to consider the source: Is it a more liberal (left-leaning) source or a conservative (right-leaning) source or is it more in the center. Check out for a chart.

Second Body Paragraph: Appeals (Logos, Ethos, Pathos)

Does the rhetorical piece use Logos, Ethos or Pathos?


How does the author use strong, connotative language that incites a reaction making an emotional appeal (pathos)?


How does the author use a logical appeal (logos) through facts, statistics, examples, organizational strategies, etc?


How does the author create an ethical appeal (ethos)through his or her experience and credibility in order to gain the trust of the audience?


emotional appeal, evoking feelings

Biased Language can evoke emotion.


  • Loaded language: words or phrases that carry a strong emotional connotation to appeal emotionally to the audience or reader e.g. "America's first invasion"; "terrorist," "assault," etc.

    • Sentence starter: The author utilizes loaded language such as "______" and "_____" in order to appeal emotionally to the reader so that ____.

  • Name-calling: labeling an opponent with a term that the audience would find negative e.g. liar, crook, etc.

    • Sentence starter: The writer relies on name-calling in order to evoke negative emotions about ________ because _______.

  • Dysphemisms: words with unpleasant connotations that are used to evoke negative feelings about someone or something e.g. referring someone as a dog or a cockroach.

    • Sentence starter: The author uses dysphemistic language such as "_____" and "_____" in order to evoke negative feelings about _____ because ____.


  • Generalities: broad or vague statements that are used to evoke a positive emotion e.g. we must do what is in the best interest of society; I stand for freedom for this wonderful nation.

    • Sentence starter: The author relies on glittering generalities in his language such as "___" and "____" in order to ____.

  • Euphemisms: words used to avoid unpleasant or offensive terms, using less harsh language: "the man passed this evening" instead of "died" OR "ethnic cleansing" instead of "genocide."

    • Sentence starter: The author uses euphemistic language such as "_______" and "______" in order to ______.

An author's word choice and tone can evoke emotion.

  1. POSITIVE TONES: cheerful, eager, lighthearted, hopeful, exuberant, enthusiastic, complimentary, confident, cheery, trusting, optimistic, loving, passionate, amused, elated, sympathetic, compassionate, proud, wistful, longing, romantic, humorous

  2. NEGATIVE TONES: bitter, angry, outraged, accusing, incensed, turbulent, furious, wrathful, inflammatory, irritated, disgusted, indignant, irate, caustic, condescending, cynical, pompous, satiric, critical, grotesque, melancholic, mournful, apprehensive

  3. NEUTRAL TONES: objective, nostalgic, candid, restrained, detached, instructive, learned, factual, informative, authoritative, disinterested, judicial, impartial, frank, aloof, calm, imploring

The type of formality can evoke emotion.


logical reasoning, providing a clear line of thinking, problem or solution, or examples to support an argument

Types of Evidence

  1. Analogical Evidence

    1. How does the author compare two things that are similar in order to show the reader parallels and make a point to support his/her argument? What is persuasive or enlightening about using analogies to support an argument?

    2. How can the use of an analogy draw an insightful connection between a well known phenomenon to a less known phenomenon?

  2. Anecdotal Evidence

    1. How does the author use anecdotes to tell a story in order to prove a point?

    2. How does the author’s storytelling of anecdotes coupled with statistical or testimonial effective help build an argument?

  3. Observations

    1. How does the author use his or her own observations to form conclusions and support his/her argument?

  4. Statistics

    1. How does the author use numbers and percentages from verified sources to support his claim using reasoning? How do these statistics lend credibility to his/her argument?

    2. Are the statistics being dramatized or manipulated for a specific effect?

    3. How valid are the statistics in supporting the argument?

  5. Quotes or Testimonials

    1. How does the author use quotes from leading experts and authorities in order to support his/her position?

  6. Facts

    1. Are there facts that can't be disputed and can be accepted as true? How do these facts help support the argument?

Organizational Strategies

When analyzing an author’s style for a non-literary text such as an editrial, determine what organizational patterns he or she uses:

  • Exemplification: specific examples, brief

  • Illustration: examples in more detail

  • Description: concrete, sensory diction

  • Narration: use of stories e.g. anecdotes

  • Cause/effect: clear reason/result

  • Compare/contrast: similarities/differences

  • Process: how to do something...

  • Classification: how something is classified e.g. science

  • Extended definition: how to define an abstract concept e.g. patriotism, democracy, love, faith, etc.


appeal to one's credibility, building trust with the audience or authority, appealing ethically to an audience

The author's credentials, types of sources, types of associations, etc. can inspire trust or credibility with the reader.

  • Does the author show varying sides of an issue or is it just one sided?

  • Does the publication have a good reputation? Are they credible?

  • Are their hidden biases that may impact how one views the writer's message?

  • Does the write speak respectfully about people who oppose their viewpoint?

  • Does her education or experience give her credibility as a reliable source?

  • Are the sources, facts, statistics, etc. used credible?

  • Does the information provided seem complete and accurate information about the issue?

  • Does the writer use the evidence fairly? Does he or she avoid selective use of evidence or other types of manipulation of data?

The language used by the author can facilitate or hinder trust or credibility in the reader.

  1. FORMAL: elevated, learned, pretentious, ornate, flowery, archaic, scholarly, pedantic, elegant, dignified, impersonal, elaborate, sophisticated, formal, cultured, poetic, abstract, esoteric (hard to understand), colorful, eloquent, euphonious

  2. INFORMAL: candid, detached, plain, simple, straightforward, informal, conversational, concrete, unadorned

  3. CASUAL/SLANG: abrupt, terse, laconic, simple, rustic, vulgar, slang, jargon, dialect, simple, colloquial

Third Body Paragraph: Style (Author's Craft)

How is the piece ordered e.g. compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, analogies, narrative, description, etc? What rhetorical tropes and schemes are used such as extended metaphor, hyperbole, anecdotes, examples, antithesis, anaphora, litotes, analogy, symbolism, irony, paradox, rhetorical questions, etc? How would you describe the word choice and its effect to convey the message?

Types of Evidence

  1. Analogical Evidence

    1. How does the author compare two things that are similar in order to show the reader parallels and make a point to support his/her argument? What is persuasive or enlightening about using analogies to support an argument?

    2. How can the use of an analogy draw an insightful connection between a well known phenomenon to a less known phenomenon?

  2. Anecdotal Evidence

    1. How does the author use anecdotes to tell a story in order to prove a point?

    2. How does the author’s storytelling of anecdotes coupled with statistical or testimonial effective help build an argument?

  3. Observations

    1. How does the author use his or her own observations to form conclusions and support his/her argument?

  4. Statistics

    1. How does the author use numbers and percentages from verified sources to support his claim using reasoning? How do these statistics lend credibility to his/her argument?

    2. Are the statistics being dramatized or manipulated for a specific effect?

    3. How valid are the statistics in supporting the argument?

  5. Quotes or Testimonials

    1. How does the author use quotes from leading experts and authorities in order to support his/her position?

  6. Facts

    1. Are there facts that can't be disputed and can be accepted as true? How do these facts help support the argument?

Organizational Strategies

When analyzing an author’s style for a non-literary text such as an editrial, determine what organizational patterns he or she uses:

  • Exemplification: specific examples, brief

  • Illustration: examples in more detail

  • Description: concrete, sensory diction

  • Narration: use of stories e.g. anecdotes

  • Cause/effect: clear reason/result

  • Compare/contrast: similarities/differences

  • Process: how to do something...

  • Problem/Solution: describes a problem and its implications and then provides a solution

  • Classification: how something is classified e.g. science

  • Extended definition: how to define an abstract concept e.g. patriotism, democracy, love, faith, etc.

Rhetorical tropes

    • How do rhetorical tropes and schemes affect how the text is read?



(historical, literary, pop cultural metaphorical reference)



Rhetorical question

(asking ? for effect)


(adjectives or nouns to used to describe another noun- accentuates a dominant characteristic for effect)


(softer word instead of a harsh one)


(understatement, form of irony)


(exaggeration, form of irony)


(situation is not expected. Verbal irony occurs when someone says something that is exaggerated or understated for an effect)


(contrasting ideas next to each other)


(direct/implied comparison between two things)


(A pastiche imitate the author’s style in a respectful way by changing an aspect of the story: point of view, ending, change protagonist from male to female, setting, etc. You also could imitate the author’s style and language with a new topic.)


(an imitation of the style of a writer or artist with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect or ridicule)


(metaphor giving human qualities to nonhuman entity)


(using negative constructions to emphasize a point)


(recurring element which contributes to theme/purpose)


(story in which people, events, or things often have symbolic meanings)


(something that seems contradictory but is actually true)


Parenthetical Asides (authorial intrusion)

Author interjects with her/his opinions to add humor or ridicule with dashes or with parenthesis


(words, sounds, or ideas used more than once to enhance the rhythm, or create emphasis)


(similar constructions help audience to compare/contrast parallel subjects or to emphasize a point. Writers will use similar phrases and clauses to balance a sentence)


(two opposing ideas presented in a parallel manner; the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas through syntax EX “She is my happiness!—she is my torture, none the less!”)


(the regular repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases or clauses e.g. “We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds….”)

Word Choice


  1. FORMAL: elevated, learned, pretentious, ornate, flowery, archaic, scholarly, pedantic, elegant, dignified, impersonal, elaborate, sophisticated, formal, cultured, poetic, abstract, esoteric (hard to understand), colorful, eloquent, euphonious

  2. INFORMAL: candid, detached, plain, simple, straightforward, informal, conversational, concrete

  3. COLLOQUIAL: abrupt, terse, laconic, simple, rustic, vulgar, slang, jargon, dialect, simple


  1. Denotative language: authentic, actual, apparent, literal, journalistic, straightforward, concrete, precise

  2. Connotative language: poetic, lyrical, symbolic, metaphoric, sensuous, grotesque, picturesque, abstract, whimsical, euphemistic, figurative, obscure, allegorical, suggestive, idyllic, emotive


Restate your thesis in a new way and recap your main points. Leave on a general insight about the topic.